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Efekat imunomodulatornog i antivirusnog agensa lekovitih gljiva (Immune Assista 24/7) na broj CD4+ T-limfocita kod pacijenata zaraženih HIV-om

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Osobe zaražene HIV-om, posebno one koje nisu dobri kandidati za agresivnu ARV terapiju, mogu da ojačaju imunitet upotrebom prirodnih proizvoda.

Jedno takvo poboljšanje imuniteta, nudi proizvod od medicinshtkih gljiva iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država- Immune Assist 24/7. U ovoj kliničkoj studiji https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22135886/ (objavljenoj 2011.g. na “MEDLINE”) je procenjen efekat imunomodulatornog i antivirusnog preparata – Immune Assista 24/7 (koji je prirodno proizveden), na broj CD4+ T-limfocita kod 8 pacijenata zaraženih HIV-om u regionalnoj bolnici Suniani (Gana).

Pacijenti su dobijali tri tablete od 800 mg Immune Assista 24/7 jednom dnevno (2,4 gr./dan), a uzorci periferne krvi su im uzeti na početku, 30- og i 60-og dana, ujedno im je meren i broj CD4+. Studija je pokazala da se kod svih pacijenata koji su koristili Immune Assist 24/7, kao jedini terapeutski preparat bez dodatnih ARV lekova, značajno povećao broj CD4+ T-limfocita. Kod jednog pacijenta, broj CD4+ T-limfocita je porastao sa 4 na početku, na 170 ćelija za 60 dana, što predstavlja povećanje za više od 4000%. Kod drugog pacijenta, broj CD4+ je porastao sa 88 na 470 ćelija u istom periodu. Čak je i kod pacijenata sa najvećim brojem CD4+ (oko 800), zabeleženo značajno povećanje broja CD4+. Ova studija se nije bavila efektom Immune Assist 24/7 na druge imunološke parametre kao što su broj CD3+ T-limfocita, broj prirodnih ćelija ubica ili na stepen virulentnosti među pacijentima zaraženim HIV-om.

Ovi početni rezultati su obećavajući i ukazuju na potencijalnu vrednost dalje procene efekata Immune Assista 24/7 na druge imunološke parametre i na stepen virulentnosti među HIV pacijentima, (bilo da se Immune Assist 24/7 primenjuje kao jedini terapeutski agens, ili kao dodatak uz standardnu ARV terapiju, ili u poređenju sa samostalnom standardnom ARV terapijom).

Effect of immunomodulating and antiviral agent of medicinal mushrooms (immune assist 24/7) on CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts of HIV-infected patients.

Gideon Adotey 1 , Abraham Quarcoo, John C Holliday, Solomon Fofie, Braimah Saaka


Immune enhancement through the use of natural products is a potentially valuable therapeutic modality in HIV-infected people, especially those who are not good candidates for aggressive ARV therapy.

One such immune enhancement, a medicinal mushroom product from the United States, is Immune Assist 24/7. In this study the effect of Immune Assist 24/7, which is a naturally derived immune-modulating and antiviral agent, on CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts was evaluated in 8 HIV-infected patients at the Sunyani Regional Hospital (Ghana).

The subjects were administered three tablets of 800 mg Immune Assist 24/7 once daily (2.4 g/day) and peripheral blood samples were drawn at baseline, day 30, and day 60, and the CD4+ count measured. The study revealed that Immune Assist 24/7, used as a sole therapeutic agent without additional ARV drugs, significantly increased CD4+ T-lymphocyte populations in all of the patients. In one patient, the CD4+ T-lymphocyte count went from 4 at the baseline, to 170 cells in 60 days, representing an increase of more than 4000%. In another patient, the CD4+ count went from 88 to 470 cells within the same period. Even in the patients with the highest CD4+ counts of around 800, there was a significant elevation in the CD4+ count noted. This study did not deal with the effect of Immune Assist 24/7 on other immune parameters such as CD3+ T-lymphocyte count, natural killer cells count, or viral load among HIV-infected patients.

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These initial results are promising, and indicate the potential value of further evaluating the effects of Immune Assist 24/7 on other immune parameters and viral load among HIV patients, administered either as a sole therapeutic agent, as an adjuvant with standard ARV therapy, or in comparison with standard ARV therapy alone.

Ovaj tekst i sajt su edukativnog karaktera, namenjeni za opšte obrazovanje i u informativne svrhe, nisu zamena za profesionalni medicinski savet, ispitivanje, dijagnozu ili lečenje.

Effect of immunomodulating and antiviral agent of medicinal mushrooms (immune assist 24/7) on CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts of HIV-infected patients. 


Gideon Adotey 1 , Abraham Quarcoo, John C Holliday, Solomon Fofie, Braimah Saaka.

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